Join thousands of graduates who have followed their “YES” to greater health & deeper Earth Connection!
The Apprenticeship to the Sacred Wild is both a personal healing journey and a course in folk herbalism, plant shamanism and spiritual ecology.
In this program, you'll receive the tools, training, and empowerment to call on the assistance of ancient plants, as well as timeless wisdom to help shift you towards your natural alignment. You'll learn how to move away from pressures that are not consistent with ourselves and our planet and step into harmony with the natural regenerative cycle of life, health, wonder, and magick!
The 10-month course works with themes and safe, medicinal plants that nourish the body, heart and soul, while build immunity, resiliency, adaptability, empowerment and mental peace in these transformative times.
“FINALLY… a school perfect for my life.
Holistic herbal education and spiritual healing!”
Weave yourself into deeper connection with the living Earth, with each month’s lessons, tea ceremonies, medicine making tutorials, garden tips, rituals and guest expert talks.
At the School of the Sacred Wild, autumn is a season of transformation and deep connection with nature. Students engage with the Wise Woman Tradition of Healing, using nourishing herbs and wild plants to build resilience. They practice plant spirit communication and apply permaculture and biodynamics principles for seasonal preparations.
Winter is a season of introspection and holistic healing. Students delve into adaptogens and herbs that boost immunity and promote deep sleep and relaxation, while exploring body oils and evergreen medicines for self-care.
At the School of the Sacred Wild, spring awakens a vibrant period of growth and renewal. Students explore the gut-brain connection and use vagus nerve medicines to enhance well-being. They work with herbs that support digestion, the solar plexus, joy, and balance the fire element.
Summer is a season of abundance and creative expression. Students practice ethical harvesting, drying, and processing of herbs from the flourishing medicinal garden, ensuring sustainable use of nature’s gifts. They engage in healing practices that open the throat chakra and work with flower essences to enhance emotional well-being.
“This course has profoundly changed my life in the best way possible. I had no real understanding how beautiful and deep this course is.”
If you feel a yes to a life of greater joy, meaning, connection, intuition, and relationship to your soul’s purpose, the Earth and to Spirit, this journey is for you.
This constant cycle of exhaustion often leaves us disconnected from the natural rhythms that bring true vitality, joy, and balance to our lives. But deep within, you may already sense that there’s a different way—a path that honors both the Earth and your unique purpose.
Under Marysia’s mentorship and within the Sacred Wild Coven
& community of fellow apprentices, you will:
Receive training in holistic herbalism
Partake in a 10 month long herbal healing protocol that weaves you into the seasons and nourishes each
system of the body & all chakras
Learn the art of Plant Spirit communication
Make friends for life, find local & international community
Connect deeper to yourself and your inner healer
Develop personal relationships with herbal allies
Learn gardening & regenertive earth care
Apply the ancient ways of healing and regenerating health
to yourself, your loved ones, and the lands you live onCreate your home apothecary

Spiritually connect to plants through meditation and ritual.
Understand how to care for the Earth with respect to those who tended these lands before you.
Utilize your personal herbal apothecary to create home remedies for health and healing.
Share your knowledge by teaching your loved ones how to incorporate plants into their daily lives.
Nourish yourself and others with anti-inflammatory foods, ancestral cooking, and holistic wellness practices.
Create delicious recipes and feel comfortable adding herbs to food to support overall wellness.
And so much more!
“I have been fascinated, I have been moved to tears, I've been left in awe, and I have felt so blessed to be able to access Marysia and these teachings.”
“School of the Sacred Wild has been the most life changing and learning experience of my life! I have absolutely learned more in this class and about my life in the last 10 months than I did in getting 2 degrees from Stanford!! I cannot imagine not having this class in my life.”
“This course is everything and MORE. Not only do you learn the properties of plants, but you attune yourself to truly commune with them and all living things. This course guides you to connect with your innate intuition. It slows you down. It acts as intense therapy. It reintroduces you to Earth. Essentially, it brings you back home. This is a highly transformative experience, mentally, physically, and emotionally, and should be a requirement for all human beings. Our world would be a much nicer place.”
“I couldn’t give a higher recommendation for a course. Life-changing self-healing and transformation will occur as Marysia lovingly guides you to reweave your connection to the rich nourishment of Earth. The value of the content FAR exceeds the cost. One workshop would cost more than the monthly payment and each month is full of videos, recipes, live gatherings, guest experts and outstanding reading. So much support is provided.
As a graduate of Marysia’s in-person apprenticeship in 2019, I found the content new & exciting, and we never stop learning from the plants in meditation. I may even do it again! Like an earth-based plant spirit gym membership it keeps me on track with the healthy practices I most need in my life. I’m so grateful.”
“This apprenticeship opened me up in ways I couldn’t have imagined. Spiritually, emotionally, and intellectually - this course was fulfilling in every way. I think I went into it thinking I would just be learning about herbal healing, but I learned much more about myself, my process, and my own rhythm. I would tell anybody looking to deepen their connection with source, explore their relationship with nature, and embark on a journey of their inner worlds to take this course. It certainly has changed me, and I’m so pleased that it did.”
Say “YES” To A Year Of:
Sacred Wild Medicine & Holistic Health
+ Plant Spirit Communication
+ Folk Healing
+ Herbal Medicine
+ Medicine Making
+ Seasonal Remedies
+ Creating Your Home Apothecary
+ Daily Practices for Health
Personal Balance & Well Being
Daily, Monthly & Seasonal Rituals
Nervous System Healing
Chakra Balancing
Cultivating Creativity
Nature Connection
Sacred Wild Ritual
Regenerative Cycles & Mapping Time
Seasonal Living
Moon Cycles + Hormonal Rhythms
Moon Magick & Earth Sabbats
Elements in Ceremony
Healing Foods & Kitchen Witchery
Growing Food
Food Medicine
Wild foods & Foraging
Healing Tonics & Elixirs
Gardening & Earth Activism
Regenerative Gardening
Healing the Earth
Soil Advocacy & Seeds
Ethical Harvesting
Earth-Based Spirituality
Sacred Wild Community
Monthly Ceremony
Online Discussion Forum
Monthly Guest Experts
Live Q & A & Sharing Circles
Live & Recorded Plant Meditations
Community of Support, Guidance & Collaboration
Each month’s theme deepens in four weekly phases, with opportunities to connect live with your instructor & fellow apprentices.
Every student’s journey is unique & all levels of participation are honored. Our journey is one of relaxing into receiving nourishment, slowing down, enjoying opportunities to connect with plants and each other, and never feeling any pressure.
Intro To Monthly
Theme & Herbs
• Delivery of the month’s curriculum
• Ceremonial Opening - meet the herbs of the month in live plant meditations - first Saturday of each month, 10 AM PST, live zoom
Play & Practice At Your Own Pace
• Enjoy drinking the healing herbs of the month
• Dive into recipes and tutorials
• Mid-month live Q+A with Marysia - second Wednesday at 12 PM PST, 1 hr live zoom
& Allow
• Deepen and learn, move at your own pace, follow what calls you.
• Sunrise live plant meditation
• Guest speaker, 1 hr live zoom
Reflect, Receive
& Release
• Assimilation of the teachings
• Reflections, receiving and releasing
• Closing Ceremony & Sharing circle with Marysia - 1 hour live zoom
The Monthly Opening Ceremony weaves students into the theme and plants of the month. It is a nourishing, relaxing, interactive, enjoyable experience with guided shamanic tea meditations, journaling, small sharing circle and channeled teachings from Marysia. Live plant meditations deepen students’ connections with the plants, the Earth and train apprentices in plant spirit medicine.
The program includes access to a private online community for extra support and connection and all live classes will be archived for the duration of the course for those who cannot make it to live sessions.
“The best gift I have ever given myself.”
Join thousands of graduates who have followed their “YES” to greater health & deeper Earth Connection!
Join Our 10-Month Journey of Transformation, Folk Herbalism, and Regenerative Living
Shamanic tea etc etc
~ Ask Marysia Anything($500 Value)
($1500 Value)
($500 Value)
($250 Value)
($1000 Value)
($500 Value)
($150 Value)
($2000 Value)
Course Tuition $3500 ($10,950 Value)
Your Tuition Also Includes These Bonuses:
Private Community Page & network of apprentices and mentors so you can share experiences, ask questions, give and receive support.
Access to the curriculum , recordings of all live classes & community forum for 18 months (8 months after graduation)
Access to Marysia’s in-person retreats & offerings (our gift exclusively for enrolled Apprentices)
Free in-person workshops & small online circles hosted by mentors (2nd & 3rd year students pursuing certification).
The option to purchase the monthly set of herbs directly from School of the Sacred Wild for shipping to your home in preparation for each monthly Opening Ceremony where we meet the plant spirits of the herbs of the month. Recommended resources for local apothecaries and international online sources of herbs.
A beautiful Sacred Wild Workbook & Regenerative Living Planner custom made & exclusively offered to Apprentices to have a tangible “Book of Shadows” and support you in living a regenerative life!
Meet Our Graduates
My experience of this apprenticeship has been nothing short of miraculous. To learn and journey into the plant world, the wise woman tradition, the chakras, shamanic healing, earth/moon cycles, etc, is truly a life changing experience. The ability to surrender to the great void, the mystery, go with the flow and trust the divinity of spirit has allowed me a freedom within myself that I’ve never experienced before. I am empowered, educated, and completely different from how I originally arrived.
I am forever grateful to this course and the ways it has shown me. I am excited to take these tools into the real world and use it on patients. This course has reconnected me to earth, the spirit world, and the cosmos which had a positive effect on me physically and spiritually.
My experience was more than I could have ever dreamed or asked for. I came to study herbalism from a more spiritual perspective, to connect with the plants and the earth and learn about their healing and teachings. What I experienced was a spiritual journey that transformed my heart, my soul, and my life. Marysia is an amazing teacher, guide, and conduit.
We are living in unprecedented times, with great transformations occurring personally, culturally, environmentally, politically, and socially.
There is great opportunity here for us to embody our medicine as humans on Earth and be forces of nourishment, healing and magick through these changes.
The greater web of life has endured great transformation many times before and can teach us how to adapt, be resilient, transform, grow and bloom. With this in mind, I created The Apprenticeship to the Sacred Wild to deepen your physical, spiritual and emotional resilience, as well as your relationship with yourself, the Earth and the Great Mystery.