Regenerative Living - Sharing From the Feet of Mount Shasta

Blessings beautiful ones, 

I am writing you all from the forest below Mount Shasta. This impressive Mother Mountain Spirit is said to be the root chakra of the Earth -- others say it is the crown. "Where heaven meets Earth," say the locals, and indeed there is both a grounding energy here and an opening of the crown, our hearts, minds and consciousness.

I am here for my annual summer unplug from technology and deep drop in into wild nature and the present moment. This yearly summer digital detox is part of my practices that regenerate me. I feel blessed for this time in the woods with my daughter, making bows and arrows, drinking wild water, and sleeping under the stars.

As you all know, my life's work is devoted to regeneration. Perhaps one day I will share with you some of the stories of how I was brought by the mystery of life into this path, but for now, I am sitting here at the feet of this mountain and feeling how the work of regenerating the health, vitality, connection and relationship on the planet and within ourselves as humans is more important than ever. I am looking at this beautiful mountain, known for her snowy peaks, and she is red dust behind the smoky skies, with barely any snow on her skin. A wildfire is contained at her base but has been burning for weeks.

This summer, I am seeing the increasing drama of climate change before my very eyes.

Luckily, over the years, the Earth, Spirit, and the mysteries of life have moved many of us onto this path, and I am pleased to look around and see so many colleagues, authors, podcasters, herbalists, farmers, artists, teachers, friends, entrepreneurs, parents, all in conversation with what their part is as human vehicles of transformation. I feel inspired by the genius that awakens when we allow ourselves to face the truth and feel the grief of what is happening on this planet.

I am proud to share with you all, — over the next couple of weeks — a series focused on "Regenerative Living," featuring folks who have made things that we all use and that offer us an option, as consumers, to put our energy into a regenerative system.

I will be sharing some heart-opening, tear-jerking, inspiring stories and folks offering regenerative, healing, love-centered coffee, cacao, protein powder, skincare, clothes, and education.

Personally, I am not much of a "shopper" and have been on a long journey of how to be a conscious consumer, often feeling sad that even the "best options" were still harming the planet and contributing to the environmental crisis. It feels out of my norm to be so inspired about sending you all information about brands, but it comes from a true reverence for what these folks are doing, and from an immense feeling of gratitude that now these different options exist — and that each of these brands is actually creating something we need / use / want in a way that gives back to the Mother.

That is the whole point of regenerative living. To weave ourselves into a reciprocal web of ever-renewing relationships. To receive deep nourishment that replenishes us, awakens us, and allows us to be in our full vitality, love, and purpose as humans on Earth. To give back to the Earth with the beauty we create, with the love and energy we generate, creating a blossoming, fertile, rich, healthy Earth. To know when to rest and to allow the Earth to rest as well.

I will begin this little series by sharing an interview I did with FORIA, explaining what regenerative living is and how we can get involved.

FORIA is a brand that advocates for sexual wellness and pleasure and offers botanical lubes, suppositories, and more. I formulated their best-selling product, AWAKEN, a pleasure lube with some of my beloved plant allies including Kava, Cacao, Mint, Vanilla, and CBD. Please use my link to purchase any of their products and enjoy this fun conversation on regeneration that I recorded with this summer season in mind!

In other important earth-healing news, our friend Santiago Roa needs your help to win $20,000 to continue his work reforesting the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia. This mountain range is considered by its indigenous guardians to be the ecological & spiritual heart of the planet. Santiago's project is one of five finalists in a people's choice Passion Fund grant opportunity offered by LinkTree. Vote for Santiago and spread the word!

~ Marysia ~


FREE Webinar: Regenerative Herbalism: Thriving in Times of Stress & Blooming While Healing the Earth


Mythic Medicine Podcast: Herbalism Is Homecoming & Our Senses Are Portals of Connection