The Holy-days + Conscious Gifting

I used to get really upset when Black Friday came around… the push to shop and the sense of urgency annoyed me and felt manipulative, leading to more plastic, stuff, and waste.

Somehow, I am not feeling as triggered this year. Perhaps because it has not hit me yet, or maybe because my mind and heart have been so occupied with other big things, like the conflict in the Middle East, and my beloved grandfather’s health taking a turn.

Also, I feel like I have put in a lot of intention through the years to create or gift meaningful presents that support artisans, friends, and people doing good things—and that does feel good!  And when I can buy something I have wanted for myself with a good discount, I actually feel a little win :)

So my intention with this newsletter is to highlight some opportunities & ideas for gifting, so it can feel really good to you too! And to share some gifts that are meaningful, made ethically and with love, and will lead to more health and joy.

I am also writing with a warm, open heart full of mystery and humble awe.

It is a dark, cold night in Warsaw. I arrived yesterday to spend a few days with my 93-year-old grandpa. I had a heartwarming visit with him today, I held his soft hand and looked into his bright eyes and we ate barszcz soup and drank tea and Polish plum cake, talked about life, death, and what it may be like to pass from this experience of being we call life, into the next iteration of our energy’s expression—dissolving into oneness—entrance into the mystery…

So I am writing you with a heart that feels the preciousness of life and the mystery surrounding us all.

I hope you enjoy this list of tips, gifts & invitations <3


All I want for Christmas is…

1. Give the Gift of a Membership to the Sanctuary!

A gift that creates no waste, is meaningful, and keeps giving each month is a monthly membership to our new nonprofit!

Each month, your friend will receive:

  • a live plant-spirit tea meditation

  • monthly newsletter sharing the energetics of the month and tips for the season

  • a live guest expert session

  • and a knowing that, in their name,  a low-income student is getting a scholarship to pursue their dream of herbal education!

Since I began teaching over 10 years ago, I have never turned a student away for lack of funds.

Our 501 (C)3 Non Profit will allow your tax deductible donation to help us bring Earth Education and Herbal Medicine to all called to Love the Earth and share the healing ways.

You can sign someone up for a monthly membership or give a one-time tax-deductible donation before the end of the year in their name <3

Give the gift of turning more hearts to the Earth, for the Earth! We need community herbalists, earth tenders, activists and healers empowered in love now more than ever!

2. Ask for the Costa Rica Retreat!

Ask for a deeply heart-opening, life-changing experience you will treasure for your whole life! This experience is truly one of the most magickal, replenishing, nourishing, and fun weeks ever!

Please join me for this an utterly blissful week at a private retreat center, with daily plant spirit meditations, the best vegan chef in Costa Rica cooking medicinal foods for us, tropical herbalism, medicine to take home, yoga, ecstatic dance, cacao, beach play, and so much more...

You will fall in love! With yourself, the Earth, plant spirit communion & the magick that is made real when hearts come together and attune deeply, receiving such deep replenishment and care from the Earth, the plants, and our sacred circle!

Ask for contributions from your family and friends, or gift yourself such deep replenishment and bliss!!

3. Support your village witch, healers & cooks

One of the best ways to make your holiday gifts have a positive ripple is to find out who the local healers, witches, medicine makers, farmers, cooks, small businesses, and restauranteurs are in your town!

Being a small business myself, it is hard to compete with the ads and huge discounts that large brands seduce us with over the holidays. However, there is a high cost to the low price of buying things made far across the ocean cheaply.

Gift or ask for a gift certificate to your local restaurant, get a monthly CSA from a local farmer, gift the experience of a massage, or ask for a gift certificate from a local shop!

Your friend will receive a waste-free, meaningful gift while creating a deeper connection to your local community. And you’ll be helping keep businesses you enjoy in business!

In the past, I have also made a post on Facebook and asked friends who have small businesses to share their creations in the comments for others to see, to offer free promotion, and to trade!

4. My book, the 2024 Art Calendar, Rose Hydrosol, Pink Lotus & More!

My little online shop has some affordable treasures that would make wonderful, meaningful gifts!

The Rose Hydrosol is divine - add a tablespoon to champagne or water, and you will be drinking rose water or a heart-opening, relaxing mocktail with your guests!

A signed copy of my book is a wonderful way to introduce someone you love to the world of herbalism and Earth Love. It is full of delicious recipes, too!

The 2024 Art Calendar is my favorite! Made by 13 incredible female artists, it will help you stay connected to the regenerative moon cycle and seasons all year long!

My shop also has some great affiliate discounts on companies I stand behind and love!

5. “Best in Beauty” Sacred Rituel Skin Care & our brand new Body Oil!

As most of you know, I am the creator of Sacred Rituel Organic Beauty Serum, a truly beautifying, deeply medicinal, anti-aging powerhouse of botanical superfoods, healing herbs, antioxidant-rich cold-pressed oils that make you look and feel your best!

Well we *just* came out with my newest creation, an all-body blissful Body Oil. It’s super moisturizing, healing, anti-inflammatory and it absorbs instantly!

The Sacred Rituel Set would make a GORGEOUS gift for yourself or a loved one! It is truly divine, and my intention is to bring healing and beautifying oils so we can truly nourish our skin, while nourishing the skin of Mama Earth - her precious soil. You see, all of the plants we use are certified organic, and the anti-inflammatory hemp extract is grown regeneratively and organically in the US as well.

Two Hot Tips for a Sustainable, Fun Holiday!

I am going to end this with some great, easy tips and fun facts that will help you feel really joyful about celebrating in style and with love and care for the Earth.

I have learned these things over the years, and if you have any other tips, please reply and share as I am always eager to learn more!


You’ve probably wondered about the impact of buying a real tree versus a plastic tree you can reuse? Well a plastic one is.. plastic - so it will never compost. It is a waste.

When you buy a real tree, you are supporting a tree industry that may not be perfect, but is planting trees, and therefore creating more oxygen and sequestering more carbon and creating habitat.

Real trees smell like heaven! And when you are done, you can compost it, chop it up, infuse the fresh needles into olive oil for a beautiful body oil, or throw it into the woods where it will become habitat & food for mushrooms.


Gift wrap can be so pretty but sadly it contributes to a huge amount of waste. 2.3 million pounds of wrapping paper enter the landfill each season! Holy moly!

My friend Carly with a huge family buys a roll of kraft paper, rolls it out and the kids paint patterns with white paint. Its easy, fun and looks great!

Clothes that no longer fit can be torn up and you can use the pretty patterns of cloth to wrap gifts.

Last year’s calendar makes great gift wrapping paper, and of course there is the newspaper too.

Thank you for your support & love!

May you feed the forces of light and wonder within your heart & enjoy a healthy and wonder-filled season!


Marysia M.


The Pagan Roots of Easter


The Magic of the Shifting Season